
NameMulti Grain Production
Size18.20 MB
DescriptionA multi use production for making flour,and bread. All base game recipes for flour and bread with four new products, whole wheat flour, whole wheat bread, corn flower, and corn tortilla. I aslo included a selling station for the new items. Category: Productions Price: $55,000 Production Recipes: Flour recipes 20 Wheat to 15 Flour 100 with cycles an hour 15 Oats to 15 Flour 100 with cycles an hour 15 Rice to 15 Flour 100 with cycles an hour Bread recipes 25 Flour to 20 Bread 50 with cycles an hour 25 Rice Flour to 20 Bread 50 with cycles an hour New item recipes Whole Wheat Flour recipe 20 Wheat to 20 Whole Wheat Flour with 100 cycles per hour Corn Flour recipe 20 Corn to 20 Corn Flour with 100 cycles per hour Whole Wheat Bread recipe 25 Corn Flour to 20 Whole Wheat Bread with 50 cycles per hour Corn Tortilla recipe 25 Corn Flour to 20 Corn Tortilla with 50 cycles per hour Change Log V1.0.0.2 Added Rice Cakes recipe Added a blocking system for the pallet spawning location keeping pallets from spawning until you are ready for them (switch on front side of building) Increased opening/closing speed of doors Made pallets liftable Changed the whole wheat bread pallet You can now sell everything with a sell price in base game plus all of my new products at the new sell point Changed the name of the sell point from Multi Sell Station to The Little Market Changed the price of the whole wheat and corn flour as it was a little too high Can no longer deliver contracts as it was causing issues with some players